Riemannian Diffusion Schrödinger Bridge


Score-based generative models exhibit state of the art performance on density estimation and generative modeling tasks. These models typically assume that the data geometry is flat, yet recent extensions have been developed to synthesize data living on Riemannian manifolds. Existing methods to accelerate sampling of diffusion models are typically not applicable in the Riemannian setting and Riemannian score-based methods have not yet been adapted to the important task of interpolation of datasets. To overcome these issues, we introduce Riemannian Diffusion Schrodinger Bridge. Our proposed method generalizes Diffusion Schrodinger Bridge introduced in (De Bortoli et al., 2021) to the non-Euclidean setting and extends Riemannian score-based models beyond the first time reversal. We validate our proposed method on synthetic data and real Earth and climate data.

Workshop on continuous time methods in machine learning, ICML 2022