Started at the University of Oxford
Today marks my first day at the Unversity of Oxford, starting a PhD in Statisitcal Machine Learning.
I’m joining the StatML course run in the statistics department. The first year consists of two parts: A mix of taught courses covering a range of topics from classical statistical techniques, all the way through to modern deep learning, and a series of small reaserch projects. The aim of the course is to give students with a range of interests some extra time and skills to settle on a good PhD topic. The three years after the first function as a normal PhD program, but with some additional cohort courses and events.
Throught this I will be a student under Yee Whye Teh, co-supervised by Max Welling. I’m massivly looking forawrd to working with them on a range of exciting topics, kicking things off with a project on Distributed Bayesian Learning!