Started at the University of Oxford

Today marks my first day at the Unversity of Oxford, starting a PhD in Statisitcal Machine Learning.

I’m joining the StatML course run in the statistics department. The first year consists of two parts: A mix of taught courses covering a range of topics from classical statistical techniques, all the way through to modern deep learning, and a series of small reaserch projects. The aim of the course is to give students with a range of interests some extra time and skills to settle on a good PhD topic. The three years after the first function as a normal PhD program, but with some additional cohort courses and events.

Throught this I will be a student under Yee Whye Teh, co-supervised by Max Welling. I’m massivly looking forawrd to working with them on a range of exciting topics, kicking things off with a project on Distributed Bayesian Learning!

Michael Hutchinson
Phd Student in Statistical Machine Learning at the University of Oxford

PhD student interested in the interface between Statistics and Machine Learning, in particular Geometric learning, and well calibrated uncertainties.